12:30-1:15 HECC Report- Ben Cannon, Executive Director
———–IFS Reflection——–
1:15-1:20 Provost Council Report, Bill Harbaugh (UO)
1:20-1:25 State Funding Model Update, Bill Harbaugh (UO)
1:25-1:30 Oversight Committee for High School Based College Credit Partnerships, Update
Lindy Stewart (OIT)
1:30-1:35 Oregon Online Course Exchange, Update, Wilson Zehr (EOU)
1:35-1:45 OTAC Report, Tad Shannon (WOU)10 minutes
1:45-3:00 Topic Areas: (All members)
State of Shared Governance- University President Search (WOU, Emily Plec)
Remote Course Delivery- Instructional Quality and Class Sizes (WOU, Emily Plec)
Faculty Burnout- Support of Faculty (OHSU, Amy Miller Juve)
IFS Meeting
November 13, 2020
Via Zoom from Noon to 4:15
Zoom: https://sou.zoom.us/j/87545722528
FRIDAY, November 13, 2020
12:00 -12:30 Welcome-Donna Lane
12:30-1:15 HECC Report- Ben Cannon, Executive Director
———–IFS Reflection——–
1:15-1:20 Provost Council Report, Bill Harbaugh (UO)
1:20-1:25 State Funding Model Update, Bill Harbaugh (UO)
1:25-1:30 Oversight Committee for High School Based College Credit Partnerships, Update
Lindy Stewart (OIT)
1:30-1:35 Oregon Online Course Exchange, Update, Wilson Zehr (EOU)
1:35-1:45 OTAC Report, Tad Shannon (WOU)10 minutes
1:45-3:00 Topic Areas: (All members)
State of Shared Governance- University President Search (WOU, Emily Plec)
Remote Course Delivery- Instructional Quality and Class Sizes (WOU, Emily Plec)
Faculty Burnout- Support of Faculty (OHSU, Amy Miller Juve)
3:00-3:05 OSU, Baccalaureate Core- McKenzie Huber (OSU) 5 minutes
3:05-3:50 David Rives, Chair, HECC Board of Commissioners
——-IFS Reflection——-
3:50-4:15 Election
Future Meeting Dates and Topics